
瀏覽次數(shù):次 發(fā)布時間:2022-06-22



一、 重點詞組搭配

at present 目前

for the present 暫時

mix up 攪合

order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事

in order 按次序

out of order 次序顛倒

pass by (時間)過去,從旁邊經(jīng)過

pass down .....傳遞給后代

pay back 償還

pay off 償清債務

pick up 拾起,撿起

hand in 上交

hand out 分發(fā),散發(fā)

happen to do sth 碰巧做某事

cant help doing 情不自禁做某事

give/teach sb a lesson給某人一個教訓

out of a job 失業(yè)

leave sb a message 給某人留信

a piece of ......一條//

the survey on ... 關(guān)于... 的調(diào)查

differ in... ...方面不同

emerge from... ...出現(xiàn)

be satisfied with... ...滿意

play ... roles 扮演...的角色

concentrate on ... 全神貫注于...

be replaced by ...所取代

for the purpose of... 為了...

distinguish ... from ... 區(qū)分......

communicate with... ...交流

one another 彼此,相互

by means of... ...的方法

at the approach of... ...將到的時候

differ from... ...不同

for instance 舉例來說

divide ... into ... ...劃分成...

enable sb. to do ... 使某人能夠做某事

take ... for example ...為例

in price 在價格上

in the long run 從長遠來看,最后

on offer 在出售中

choose from... ...中挑選

be curious about... ...感到好奇

confront with... 使面臨,使面對

with interest 有興趣地

an average of ... 平均是...

at high altitudes 在很高的地方

draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力

attention to 注意

focus on 集中于,專注于

in years to come 在未來的幾年內(nèi)

as a matter of fact 實際上

quite a few 相當多,不少

rather than 不是...(而是)

regardless of 不顧,不惜

right away 立即,馬上

speak about 談及

set in 開始

set apart from ...區(qū)分開

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so far 迄今為止

sooner or later 遲早,早晚

step by step 逐步地

such as 例如,諸如

thanks to 由于,多虧

that is (to say) 就是說,

to the point 切中要害,切題

under control 處于控制之下

under the circumstances 這種情況下

up to date 在進行中

up to 多達;直到;勝任;取決于

what if 假使...將會怎樣

what about ...怎么樣

with respect to 關(guān)于...將怎樣

with regard to 關(guān)于,至于

without question 毫無,疑問

impact on ...的影響, ...的沖擊

contact with ....接觸, 聯(lián)系

impact on ...的影響



break out (戰(zhàn)爭、打斗等不愉快事件)突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā);

break down 損壞,拆散,失?。?/span>

break in 非法闖入;插話;

break through 突破,突圍;

break off 中斷,中止

(二)bring come的搭配

bring about 導致,造成,引起,產(chǎn)生;

come about發(fā)生;

bring back 帶回,還回,使想起;

bring out 使出版;出現(xiàn),呈現(xiàn)= arise

come out 出現(xiàn),出版,顯現(xiàn);

bring up 提出、教育,養(yǎng)育;

come up 出現(xiàn);

come upwith 提出...想法;

come upagainst 遭到....反對;

bringdown 1、減少,降低,2、打敗,擊垮;

bring forward 提出;

bring off 成功完成….;

come across= run into= happen to meet = encounter 偶然相遇;

come to 共計。


1call on 拜訪某人,號召

we will call on MrLi tomorrow

we are called on to help those in trouble

2call at 拜訪某地

I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in

3call for 需要;要求;邀約();取()

success called for hard work

call for a doctor去請醫(yī)生

4.call in 請來;收回

mother is badly i11so call in a doctor at once

5call up 打電話;征召;使回想起,使回憶起;

I called Tom up and told him the news

in most countries men are called up at the age of 18

6.call out 大聲叫喊,大聲說出;

7.call off 取消、停止

(四)carry 的搭配


1carry on 進行

he had learned enough English to carry on a conversation

2carry out 執(zhí)行;進行

they were carrying out an important experiment

3carry away 拿走

please carry these desks away

4carry off 奪走,搶走

some unknown man carried off the prize

(五)count 的搭配

count in ...算在內(nèi);

count out 不把…考慮在內(nèi);

count up 加起來,算出總數(shù);

count down 倒數(shù)到零或規(guī)定的時間;

count on 依賴,依靠 = depend on = rely on;


get over 克服,解決。困難, 疾病等;

get along 1、進行,進展;

get along with = get on with 與某人和睦相處;

get through 1、穿過;通過 2、接通電話;

(七)give 的搭配

give in 讓步,屈服。=Give away to= yield to;

give back 歸還,恢復 另:bringback 帶回,還回;

give off指煙,熱,光等散發(fā),釋放;

give up 放棄;

give out= hand out 分發(fā),分給;

(八)go 的搭配

go off 1、離開,離去:2、(水電等)被切斷,(煤氣等)用完;

go after追求, 追捕;

go (a)round 1、四處走走,2、(消息等)傳開;

go along with 1、陪伴,陪同(簡單)=keep sb company 2、支持,贊同= agree with

go into 1、進入 2、= investigate 調(diào)查,研究;

go over = review 復習;

go out1、外出,出去。2、熄滅;






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